We are thrilled to announce the launch of the AquaSPICE Symbiosis Enabling platform, a ground-breaking tool designed to facilitate industrial waste reuse and support the circular economy. AquaSPICE connects waste producers with potential users, creating symbiotic value chains for liquid, solid, and gaseous waste streams.

Key Benefits of the platform

  • Reduce Waste: Transform industrial byproducts into valuable resources
  • Cut Costs: Save on disposal and raw material costs through efficient reuse
  • Boost Sustainability: Minimize environmental impact and conserve natural resources
  • Foster Collaboration: Build strong partnerships to support sustainable solutions

Visit the online platform aiming to facilitate the identification and the development of one-to-one waste reuse value chains, through the collaboration of an industrial waste source and a potential waste user. These proposed symbiotic schemes can be based on either liquid, solid or gaseous waste streams.