AquaSPICE partners are organizing a new round of Workshops to explore case studies, updates and a lot more. Before diving deep into new Workshops, let’s recap what’s happened in the last round of Workshops, held from February 25 to March 30.
- 25 February 2021 (CS#4 BeautiFuel SynDi, Slovenia)
- CS#4 : Waste to fuel transformation setup at JEMS. During the workshop, partners had the chance to brainstorm particular ideas with regard to specific project tasks, discuss their workplan and next steps. The CS#4 differs slightly from the others as it produces water rather than consumes/uses it. Additionally, several parts of the water pipeline are rather fixed (e. g. filtering system) or optimized to fuel (not water) related KPIs.
- 15 March 2021 (CS#3 Antwerp, Belgium)
- CS#3: Sustainable and robust water system for the industrial zone of Antwerp at BASF, WL. This Workshop intended to understand and discuss together scope and actions to be done for its 2 sub cases: 1. Antwerp harbor and Albert Canal- Water quality monitoring & operational model; 2. Water reuse and cooling water- Optimization of water reuse and alternative water sources (cooling). the Port of Antwerp is the leading European oil & chemical hot spot in the EU. It is in fact a well-known port hosting the ultimate industrial players in base and chemicals production.
- 16 March 2021 (CS2 Solvay, Italy)
- CS#2: Water treatment and re-use within peroxide production units at SOLVAY, ARETUSA. The entire project’s team discussed and collaborated together with the partners CONSORZIO ARETUSA and Solvay to test solutions and analysing both risks and benefit. The overall Workshop’s objective was of closing the water loop by reusing industrial wastewater within the industrial site. To achieve this goal, 3 options were investigated by looking at: technical, legal (policy), economics, sustainability, safety and governance aspects.
- 17 March 2021 (CS#1 Dow Terneuzen, Netherlands)
Terneuzen has a long history in water reuse and recycling and currently researching. The Workshop showed how Dow and 29+ partners (Universities, Institutes, Companies, Research Groups…) are collaborating in AquaSPICE project in researching and developing solutions towards the reuse of water in industry.
- 17 March 2021 (CS#1 Dow Bohlen, Germany)
- CS#1: Technology focus for fresh water intake reduction at DOW. Bohelen, in Germany is facing a water shortage due to climate change and mining activities. The water discharge represents nearly 100% of receiving water body. AquaSPICE’s stakeholders joined their expertise to tackling this issue during the last Workshop CS#1 Bohelen. By gathering data and exploring solutions, they evaluated tangible actions to implement the aquaSPICE vision and reduce freshwater intake for the site.
- 29 March 2021 (CS#6 TUPRAS, Turkey)
- CS#6: Water treatment and re-use within refinery at TUPRAS. Tüpras is the first producer in Turkey’s refining sector and largest industrial enterprise of the country. As oil & gas refining industry is highly water intensive consumer, Tüpras Izmit Refinery is consuming water from: fresh water from a lake and treated wastewater from its own wastewater recovery plants. The Workshop aimed at finding and testing AquaSPICE solutions to increase the water reuse opportunities and decrease fresh-water intake from the lake.
- 30 March 2021 (CS#5 Agricola, Romania)
- CS#5: Sustainable water use in meat production in the circular economy at AGRICOLA. Agricola Bacău provide a high amount of water resources available at basin level. The region is also implementing a county masterplan for water supply and waste water management in order to comply with the EU directives. During the Workshop, the project’s partners collaborated to locate ‘’sustainable water efficient company’’ by implementing an innovative solution for water use and re-use and a real-time monitoring system supporting the process.